Speaker: Lynn Wilder
Thursday night’s speaker is going to be fantastic. Lynn Wilder is fun, and has quite a story to tell, as well as great quilts to show. Bring a quilty friend if you like who might be thinking about joining our guild. We are going to have a packed house again at the meeting.
Check her blog spot at sewnwildoaks.blogspot.com/
Or check out her patterns on keepsake quilting magazine www.keepsakequilting.com/ heritage-quilt-pattern
Oron quilt tv for Alex Anderson https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=8Tlxm-f1wws
Or on Pinterest 17 Best images about Quilting-Sew'n Wild Oats Lynn Wilder on ...
https://www.pinterest.com/ dandrade3/quilting-sewn-wild- oats-lynn-wilder/
Or Just come to the Flying Needles meeting at the mallthis Thursday 6 PM to see her and then take a class from her on Saturday. Guild members can take the class for only $25 dollars.
Did I say this is going to be good. . . Well take my word, it will be.